Khashayar Khezri

DC7-PhD: Dynamic fracturing in a THM framework: Upscaling applications to geo-energy production and induced seismicity

Mines Paris – PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres)

Khashayar Khezri is a PhD candidate from Tehran, Iran. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST). Then, he chose water resources engineering and management for graduate study and holds a MSc degree in this major from the Sharif University of Technology (SUT).

During his BSc study, he followed his goal of mitigating carbon emissions and worked on developing numerical models for optimizing concrete mixtures to reach green and more durable building materials. His interest in numerical modeling and passion for geomechanics and hydraulic courses inspired him to combine both in his MSc thesis, which focused on groundwater contamination in heterogeneous soil and rock. To be more specific, he defined his thesis as the numerical investigation of fractures’ effect on hydrocarbon contaminants distribution in fractured porous media. After defending his thesis, he had the vision to focus his research on energy transition and applicable methods of mitigating greenhouse gas emissions which ended up being a part of SMILE research group.

He is now a part of the Geoscience group at Mines paris-PSL in collaboration with Armines. His research in this mainly about developing a fully coupled THM framework including dynamic fracturing processes to find out the mechanism of induced seismicity during geothermal energy exploitation. This research aims to increase the knowledge about involved underground processes in induced seismicity through and after injection and make this phenomenon more controllable.