Simulation Modeling of Coupled THM Processes in Geo-energy Applications

The Pyrenees Mountains, Huesca, Spain | Anas Sidahmed
Doctoral Candidate: Anas Sidahmed (School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh)
Principal supervisor: Christopher McDermott (Chair in Hydrogeology and Coupled Process Modelling, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh)
Host institution: University of Edinburgh
Output type: literature review and summary research topic
Summary research:
1. Introduction
Engineering and geo-energy projects, such as geothermal energy, CO2 storage, and underground heat storage, hold promise in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement, which aims to mitigate climate change by keeping the global average temperature increase well below 2°C above pre-industrial levels.
Efficient, safe, and economically feasible application and utilization of these geo-energy technologies require a comprehensive understanding of the thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical (THMC) processes induced by thermal energy extraction and fluid injection from subsurface geological formations.
Consequences of implementing these geo-energy projects include surface perturbations such as induced earthquakes and surface deformations (uplift or subsidence), resulting from strain transfer from deep-seated geological layers. Such deformations are primarily induced by changes in THM processes in the subsurface. While these perturbations raise safety concerns, they also serve as reliable indicators for understanding, analyzing, and quantifying THM changes in the system.
The importance of this research stems from its focus on modeling THM coupled processes in such reservoirs, contributing to the overall technical understanding of how these coupled processes behave in reservoirs encountered in various subsurface engineering projects. Research outcomes are expected to establish useful tools and frameworks for developing generic design criteria and predictive models for geo-energy projects while ensuring safety, environmental, and economic considerations. Moreover, the design criteria should be tailored to specific systems.
2. Reserach Aims
This research aims to achieve two primary objectives: identifying key processes impacting deformation signals received at the surface during fluid injection, and identifying key geological facies-related controls on the transfer of subsurface reservoir strain to the surface. Furthermore, the research will explore different THM models upscaling methods and implement the geomechanical facies approach to upscale THM models from laboratory to field scale.
3. Brief Literature Review
3.1 THMC Processes
Thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical processes coexist and are interconnected in various natural and human-made settings such as geothermal reservoirs, nuclear waste disposal repositories, carbon capture and storage reservoirs, and underground energy storage facilities (geobattaries). These processes are described by mass balance, energy balance, and momentum balance equations.
3.2 Solution Methods
Analytical methods may provide exact solutions but are limited to simple geometries and idealized linear problems. However, numerical methods have the ability to model complex problems encountered in the real world. They can handle non-linearities, complex boundary conditions, and geometries. The most commonly used numerical methods are the Finite Difference Method (FDM), Finite Element Method (FEM), and Finite Volume Method (FVM).
3.3 Simulation Modeling
Lab-scale Modelling
Different types of testing cells and equipment, also known as standard rock failure testing cells 1 have been designed over the years to map and understand the key parameters that impact the behavior of rock mechanics 2–4. However, the designed cells were only able to model two specific triaxial stress conditions, which have rare occurrence in nature (when all or two principal stresses are equal) 5.
The SMART cell was developed to apply rotatable stress fields on small cylindrical samples (38 mm diameter and 76 mm length) 6–8. The GREAT cell (Geo-Reservoir Experimental Analogue Technology cell) was designed to recreate the deep subsurface stress conditions that take place on larger lab-scale cylindrical rock samples. Compared to the SMART cell, more improvements and advancements were applied to the GREAT cell in terms of sample size, stress control, and monitoring technology.
To test the capabilities of the new apparatus (GREAT cell), three different experiments were designed using different samples. To validate the experimental results, an open-source THMC code Finite Element based (FEM) 9 simulator by OpenGeoSys 10 was used. Gmsh software by 11 was utilized to create the mesh and the cylindrical geometry of the sample model. More details of the construction and modeling of the experiments can be found at 12.
Field-scale Modeling
CO2 Storage Formations
The stability and capacity of CO2 storage formations can be assessed with reasonable accuracy using the concept of geomechanical facies approach. This approach can be viewed as a set of geological facies that have been grouped and classified based on certain thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical properties that are essential in designing the storage system from an engineering perspective 13,14) and by coupling the geomechanical models with expected fluid pore pressure resulting from CO2 injection.
Heat Storage Mines
The work in 15,16 focused on modeling THM coupled processes to evaluate the key processes impacting the geomechanical stability of underground mining systems due to cyclical heat injection/extraction and set a framework for establishing regulatory limits on maximum safe operating conditions of mine water heat schemes. Results have shown that cyclic heat injection/production impacts both displacement and the stability of underground mines. Additionally, the results have concluded that the studied mine water heat schemes are more sensitive to operational parameters (e.g., injection temperature, pressure, and changes in water level) rather than the natural underlying geological conditions. Furthermore, it was found that stress buildup increases around the workings and decreases with distance from those workings, emphasizing the importance of understanding the lithological properties of the rocks above and below any workings.
3.4 THM Coupled Processes Models Upscaling
Spatial variations in hydrological, thermal, and mechanical properties of fluids and rocks are inherent in THM processes across different engineering and geological systems. Therefore, upscaling is an essential step towards understanding how THM processes may behave at different scale levels and to capture those spatial variations. The broad goal of upscaling is to build fast and cost-effective large field-scale models that are capable of accurately predicting the safety, environmental and economic performance of different systems such nuclear waste disposal repositories, carbon capture & storage fields, geothermal reservoirs and so on. Some examples of various THM upscaling methods include geomechanical facies 17,18, dimensional analysis, homogenization, and multi-scale homogenization, geostatistical modelling and data-driven modeling.
3.5 Previous Studies on THM Models Upscaling
The scale-dependent parameters in subsurface geological heterogeneities significantly impact THM processes, making it essential to model the effects of heterogeneities at different scales. Several researchers have conducted small-scale analyses based on field data. For instance, researchers in 19 have analyzed data collected from the Sellafield site 20 and concluded two relationships between FLM in-situ stress and permeability in fractured rocks. Additionally, 21 proposed a new method based on the theory of the modified crack tensor 22, utilizing THM properties in fractured rocks. Testing the new method on DECOVALEX III BMT2 23 showed a reasonable match between the predicted and measured values of Young’s modulus and permeability 24.
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