SMILE is researching eleven innovative geo-energies projects thanks to eleven doctoral candidates that have the guidance and support of researchers and companies around Europe.
DC6-PhD: Use of Invasion Percolation methods to model gravity segregation in CO2/HC/brine systems
The objective of this project is to enhance the understanding of gravity segregation in CO2, hydrocarbon (HC), and brine systems by improving the modelling capabilities of fluid mixing in highly heterogeneous, brine-saturated rock. The project aims…
DC7-PhD: Delayed induced seismicity in a THM framework: Upscaling application to deep geothermal fractured reservoirs
The objective of this project is to develop a fully coupled THM (Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical) framework with a dynamic fracturing model. The framework will be applied to different project configurations to optimize production and minimize the risk of…
DC8-PhD: Simulation of thermal, hydraulic and mechanical stress distribution in heterogeneous layered reservoirs
The objective of this project is to identify the key processes that influence surface deformation during fluid injection, understand the geological facies controls on strain transfer, and train the student in using numerical codes for THM problems.…
DC9-PhD: Advanced Persistent Scattered Interferometry (PSI) techniques for ground motion monitoring
The objective of this project is to develop advanced Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) techniques for ground motion monitoring in the context of SMILE. The project will focus on selecting measurement points using amplitude-based,…
DC10-PhD: Automated analysis of ground deformation time series
The objective of this project is to develop an automated software tool for analyzing ground deformation time series obtained from Galileo-enabled low-cost GNSS receivers. The tool will also incorporate area-wise DInSAR monitoring and utilize…
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Advisory Board
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Doctoral Candidates
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Doctoral Candidates
Tazio Strozzi
GAMMA He holds a M.S. degree (1993) and Ph.D. degree (1996) in physics from the University of Bern, Switzerland, for his experimental and…
Katja C. Schulze
She is Subject Matter Expert (SME) Geoscience at Craytive Technologies. She is involved in developing the extended reality (XR) platform BaselineZ,…
Sebastià Olivella
He is full professor at School of Civil Engineering (UPC). He graduated as Civil Enginyeer in 1987, did a Postgraduate course in Groundwater…
Hana Čížková
She is head of the Department of Geophysics and guarantor of PhD program Physics of the Earth and Planets at Charles University. She has a PhD in…
Christopher McDermott
He has worked both in industry and academia, in a science role, a consultant’s role and a manager’s role in international multidisciplinary science…
Mateja Macut
DC6 – Use of Invasion Percolation methods to model gravity segregation in CO2/HC/brine systems Norwegian University of Science and Technology…
Tae Kwon Yun
DC4 – Exploring coupled THMC processes occurring in the caprock in highly instrumented sites Norwegian University of Science and Technology He…
Paula Olea
DC2-Quantitative ground deformation monitoring based on advanced DInSAR techniques Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC) Paula…
Sebastian Geiger
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Geiger, FREng, FRSE, is the Professor of Sustainable Geoenergy and Energi Simulation Chair at the Department of Geoscience and…
Jonny Rutqvist
Dr. Jonny Rutqvist is a Senior Scientist and Head of Hydrogeology Department, Energy Geosciences Division, at the Lawrence Berkeley National…
Inga Berre
Inga Berre is professor at the Department of Mathematics and director of the Center for Modeling of Coupled Subsurface Dynamics (CSD) at the…

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.