DC9-PhD: Advanced Persistent Scattered Interferometry (PSI) techniques for ground motion monitoring

22 de May de 2023

Objectives: To develop advanced PSI techniques adapted to the ground motion monitoring needs of SMILE. This will involve new procedure to select the measurement points (amplitude-based, coherence-based, new approaches to be developed and tested), the use of different types of SAR polarizations to increase the measurement point density, and an in-depth study of the effects of soil moisture on the PSI estimates, especially using short temporal baselines

Expected Results: Contribution to a literature review focused on the most relevant PSI algorithms. Full characterization of the various error sources that affect the PSI estimates. Development of advanced PSI techniques tailored to the needs of SMILE: new procedures to select the PSI measurement points; a feasibility study on the use of complementary SAR polarizations; and an in-depth study of the (negative) effects of soil moisture on the PSI estimates.


Host Institution: CTTC (Spain)

Secondments: Gamma, GReD