DC11-PhD: The aid of laboratory in the characterization of caprock/reservoir CO2 storage geological formations

22 de May de 2023

This research aims to bridge the gap between lab-scale controlled experiments and field-scale pilot projects, providing a comprehensive dataset for a spatiotemporal understanding of injection-induced processes.


Objectives: To develop an experimentally based study of the complex interaction between reactive pore fluids and rock matrix, in typical caprocks and reservoir rocks. Data will be collected both at laboratory scale and at in situ at ongoing pilot projects (e.g., at the Mont Terri and Bedretto Underground Labs, as well as at the islandic CO2 storage facility). The aim is to provide a link between relevant mechanical/hydraulic parameters and fluid-rock interaction. Experiments will be also tailed to link the characteristics of the rocks to seismic/aseismic slip, addressing the induced seismicity issue

Expected Results: To provide a complete dataset on geomechanical parameters linked to fluid-rock interaction in caprock/reservoir rocks. The data will be input in numerical simulations.

Doctoral Candidate: Prescelli Annan

Host Institution: ETH Zürich (Switzerland)

Secondments: CSIC and Seismik,