DC1-PhD: Experimental investigation of the coupled THMC response of the caprock to CO2 injection in a pilot test site


Our focus in this PhD project is on observing and comprehending how CO2 interacts with targeted rock formations in pilot tests, such as those at the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory. Tracking changes in temperature, pressure, and deformation using experimental data is of particular interest to us, as is finding connections between hydrology, thermal, mechanics, and chemistry. Ultimately, we aim to identify and assess important signals within the available and/or to-be-generated time-series data, refine our monitoring strategies, and develop workflows to analyze natural and human-induced signals.


Objectives: Monitoring, analysing, and interpreting of interaction between injected CO2 and the target facies in the Mont Terri Rock Laboratory, especially changes in temperature, pressure, and deformation based on experimental data. Together with partners listed below in the planned secondments, analysing potential correlation between hydrological, thermal, geomechanical, geochemical, including quantitative and qualitative uncertainty analysis

Expected Results: Identification and evaluation of relevant signals in time series obtained in the CL-Experiment at Mont Terri (CO2LPIE, CO2 long-term periodic injection experiment). Based on findings, evaluation of monitoring strategies and development of work flows including natural and anthropogenic signal analysis for scenarios of long-term experiments in underground rock laboratories

Doctoral Candidate: Ümit Koç

Host Institution: Mines Paris – PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres) (France)

Secondments: CSIC