SMILE training Zürich

Date: February, 5th to 9th 2024
Location: ETH Zürich
Workshop I: Visit to Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Objective: To become familiar with the pilot tests that will be investigated during the project.
Programme: Visit to the exhibition of the visitor centre; introduction to deep geological storage; safety instructions and transport to the URL; tour of the URL; explanation of the high pressure injection into a fault and CO2LPIE experiments.
Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Objective: To introduce concepts of rock physics as a laboratory and interpretive tool and to provide the understanding how to correlate geomechanical and geophysical properties to the intrinsic properties of rocks such as texture, mineral and chemical composition, with the aid of laboratory measurements. This correlation is a key-understanding for geo-resources andexploitation, and in geohazard assessment.
Programme: The fundamental techniques of experimental measurements of physical parameters such as density, porosity, permeability, ultrasound waves propagation and rock brittle deformation will be both illustrated and applied to natural rock samples at in situ pressure and temperature conditions. The lab observations will be accompanied with analysis and observation of the macro and microtexture. We will develop a case history with selected reservoir and caprock samples; we will acquire the data, correct for calibration and process the data and finally we will interpret the data.
Monday, 5th – Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Tuesday, 6th – Workshop I: Visit to Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Wednesday, 7th – Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Thursday, 8th – Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies . Visit to Bedretto Lab
Friday, 9th – Doctoral Candidates projects presentation