SMILE training Barcelona

9 de April de 2024

Date: May, 13th to 17th 2024

Location: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord (Barcelona)



Professional course III: Producing dissemination short videos I

13th, 14th and 15th of May

Objective: Dissemination of research knowledge to the interested public via the world wide web. Learn to provide an overview,background, and individual results in a condensed and engaging modern form, interact with other researchers and the public.Exchange of final achievements. Explore possibilities to add extended reality to educate and inform the public.

Programme: Introduction to dissemination videos; evaluation of the best strategy for each video dependent on PhD studentand topic; preparation and discussion of examples; collecting ideas and material over the entire period of thesis with continuousexchange between students and supervisors; overview, presentation, discussion and assessment of ideas; preparation of scriptsand actual videos; publishing videos via internet.


Technical course I: Ground-deformation monitoring techniques: an overview

16th and 17th of May

Objective: To provide a global overview of the main techniques used to measure and monitor ground movements includingsatellite-based techniques (both radar and optical), airborne-based procedures (e.g., photogrammetry, LiDAR, etc.), and in situdata acquisition techniques (e.g., topographic techniques, GNSS, geotechnical and geophysical instrumentation, etc.). Eachtechnique will be critically analysed, highlighting its technical characteristics, pros and cons.

Programme: Methodological introduction to deformation monitoring; topographic techniques and GNSS; geotechnicalinstrumentation; geophysical instrumentation; airborne-based procedures: photogrammetry and LiDAR; optical satellite-basedtechniques; radar satellite-based and ground-based techniques.