SMILE training Barcelona
Date: May, 13th to 17th 2024
Location: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Campus Nord (Barcelona)
Professional course III: Producing dissemination short videos I
13th, 14th and 15th of May
Objective: Dissemination of research knowledge to the interested public via the world wide web. Learn to provide an overview,background, and individual results in a condensed and engaging modern form, interact with other researchers and the public.Exchange of final achievements. Explore possibilities to add extended reality to educate and inform the public.
Programme: Introduction to dissemination videos; evaluation of the best strategy for each video dependent on PhD studentand topic; preparation and discussion of examples; collecting ideas and material over the entire period of thesis with continuousexchange between students and supervisors; overview, presentation, discussion and assessment of ideas; preparation of scriptsand actual videos; publishing videos via internet.
Technical course I: Ground-deformation monitoring techniques: an overview
16th and 17th of May
Objective: To provide a global overview of the main techniques used to measure and monitor ground movements includingsatellite-based techniques (both radar and optical), airborne-based procedures (e.g., photogrammetry, LiDAR, etc.), and in situdata acquisition techniques (e.g., topographic techniques, GNSS, geotechnical and geophysical instrumentation, etc.). Eachtechnique will be critically analysed, highlighting its technical characteristics, pros and cons.
Programme: Methodological introduction to deformation monitoring; topographic techniques and GNSS; geotechnicalinstrumentation; geophysical instrumentation; airborne-based procedures: photogrammetry and LiDAR; optical satellite-basedtechniques; radar satellite-based and ground-based techniques.
SMILE training Zürich
Date: February, 5th to 9th 2024
Location: ETH Zürich
Workshop I: Visit to Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Objective: To become familiar with the pilot tests that will be investigated during the project.
Programme: Visit to the exhibition of the visitor centre; introduction to deep geological storage; safety instructions and transport to the URL; tour of the URL; explanation of the high pressure injection into a fault and CO2LPIE experiments.
Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Objective: To introduce concepts of rock physics as a laboratory and interpretive tool and to provide the understanding how to correlate geomechanical and geophysical properties to the intrinsic properties of rocks such as texture, mineral and chemical composition, with the aid of laboratory measurements. This correlation is a key-understanding for geo-resources andexploitation, and in geohazard assessment.
Programme: The fundamental techniques of experimental measurements of physical parameters such as density, porosity, permeability, ultrasound waves propagation and rock brittle deformation will be both illustrated and applied to natural rock samples at in situ pressure and temperature conditions. The lab observations will be accompanied with analysis and observation of the macro and microtexture. We will develop a case history with selected reservoir and caprock samples; we will acquire the data, correct for calibration and process the data and finally we will interpret the data.
Monday, 5th - Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Tuesday, 6th - Workshop I: Visit to Mont Terri Rock Laboratory
Wednesday, 7th - Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies
Thursday, 8th - Workshop II: Laboratory techniques applied to rock characterization for geo-energies . Visit to Bedretto Lab
Friday, 9th - Doctoral Candidates projects presentation
First week of SMILE trainings
Date: November, 27th to December, 1st 2023
Four day course + general assembly
Location: Can n’Oleo. Carrer Almudaina, 4. 07001 Palma (Mallorca, Spain)
Technical course II: Geologic Carbon Storage Modelling
Objective: To give an overview of geologic carbon storage in deep saline formations, explain the fundamentals of modelling coupled processes and learn to use a numerical code with hands-on practices.
Programme: Overview of geologic carbon storage in deep saline formations and the coupled processes resulting from CO2 injection; description of estimation methods for CO2 storage capacity; review of basic laws and THM balance equations; mechanical behaviour of unsaturated geomaterials; description of boundary conditions; practical sessions to learn the THM code Code_Bright through tutorials; industrial case studies.
Professional course I: Dissemination of results
Objective: To address the dissemination of results to the scientific community (including multidisciplinary aspects), to the industry, to end-users and the general public. The course will explain how to tailor the communication taking into account the target audience.
Programme: Introduction to dissemination of results; dissemination through scientific journals; how to write scientific papers; dissemination through popular publications; dissemination through newspapers; dissemination through posters; dissemination through internet; dissemination through social media.
Monday, Nov, 27th
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Professional course I: Dissemination of results with Michele Crosseto and Oriol Montserrat (CTTC)
Tuesday, Nov, 28th
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Assembly
Wednesday, Nov, 29th
Technical course II: Geologic Carbon Storage Modelling
9 a.m. to 1 p.m - Leo Eisner (Seismik): Mapping pore pressure with beach balls + Iman Rahimzadeh Kivi (Imperial College): Geologic carbon storage at the Gigatone scale + Atefeh Vafaie (Imperial College): Coupled Chemo-Mechanical processes in geologic carbon storage + Víctor Vilarrasa (CSIC): Induced seismicity in geologic carbon storage
2 p.m. to 6 p.m. - Modeling C02 Storage Using CODE BRIGHT with Víctor Vilarrassa (CSIC)
Thursday, Nov, 30th
Technical course II: Geologic Carbon Storage Modelling
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers (SEG DISC) with Philip Ringrose
Friday, Dec, 1st
Technical course II: Geologic Carbon Storage Modelling
9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Modeling C02 Storage Using CODE BRIGHT with Víctor Vilarrassa (CSIC)
Storage of Carbon Dioxide in Saline Aquifers
Date: November, 30th 2023 One day course Location: Can n’Oleo. Carrer Almudaina, 4. 07001 Palma (Mallorca, Spain) Registration and more information Organized with SEG Description Interest in carbon capture and storage (CCS) is growingrapidly as a crucial part of global efforts to reducegreenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. To supportthis growth in capture technology, we need an accelerationin new CO2 storage project developments. In this course,we review the science and technology underpinning CO2storage in deep saline aquifer formations using insightsfrom several industrial-scale projects. We analyze the mainfactors which limit storage capacity – constraints governedby flow dynamics, injectivity, pressure development,and geomechanics. Then, this physical basis provides aframework for determining how to optimize monitoringmethods. Using the latest portfolio of geophysical methodsfor smart and cost-effective monitoring at the surface anddownhole (including conventional seismic acquisition,passive seismic listening, and fiber-optic sensing), wediscuss how short- and long-term storage assurance canbe demonstrated with high levels of confidence. Next, weaddress the question of what is needed to achieve climatesignificantscales of CCS deployment. Although technicallyachievable, the current socio-economic framing oftenmakes storage project execution difficult in practice. Bybuilding technical confidence in project execution, we maybe able ‘turn the dial’ and realize the gigatonne levels ofstorage needed over the coming decades. Questions answered in this course • What are the main processes involved in the geologic storage of CO2?• How should we estimate CO2 storage capacity?• What is the physical basis for estimates of storage efficiency?• What are the constraints to storage? When does injectivity matter? Are pressure limits the main issue?• What are the geomechanical limits? Should we expect significant levels of induced seismicity?• How can we optimize monitoring methods to make them smart and cost-effective?• How reliable is time-lapse seismic monitoring for detecting small CO2 volumes in the subsurface?• How can fiber-optic sensing (DAS) reduce the costs and footprints of monitoring schemes?• How can we apply advanced analysis (e.g., FWI) for monitoring using sparse acquisitions?• How can we assure long-term containment? What about leakage risks?• And finally, is the required global scale-up in CCS deployment achievable? Goals The goal of this course is to review the main concepts involvedin the engineered storage of CO2 in saline aquifer formations,dispelling some common misunderstandings along theway. After explaining the main trapping mechanisms, wecritically assess methods for estimating storage capacityand evaluate the key constraints for achieving the storagevolumes needed over the project’s timeframe. The coursematerial has a strong focus on geophysical monitoringmethods and data sets, which are key to the stated objectiveof building confidence in the technology and assuring longtermstorage integrity. Who should attend All those interested in understanding the state of play insaline aquifer CO2 storage technology will benefit from thiscourse. The primary target audience is multi-disciplinarysubsurface teams, and the content covers relevant aspects of geoscience, geophysics, and reservoir engineering. Managers,team leaders, and business developers also should find mostof the material accessible. For subsurface specialists, thefocus is on learning across disciplines (e.g., how might flowanalysis affect site selection choices or how do ‘geologicaldetails’ impact the engineering assessment?). With a strongfocus on advanced geophysical monitoring (especially timelapseseismic), geophysicists will find the course helpful fordesigning and interpreting seismic monitoring data sets. Thiscourse does not require advanced mathematical knowledge,although several governing equations are introduced and used.The main objective is to provide an intuitive understanding ofthe geoscience, physics, and geophysics of CO2 storage insaline aquifers. A familiarity with integrated 3D subsurfacemodeling and seismic interpretation tools will be an advantagebut is not essential. Course Book Course attendees receive the book as part of the registrationfee. If you are unable to attend the DISC course but areinterested in the book, it can be purchased separately in print or as an ebook. Instructor Biography Philip S. Ringrose is a Specialist in reservoir geoscience atEquinor and Adjunct Professor in CO2 Storage at the NorwegianUniversity of Science and Technology. He has been engagedwith many CCS project developments over the last 15 yearsand has published widely on reservoir geoscience and fluidflow in rock media, including the textbooks ‘Reservoir ModelDesign’ and ‘How to Store CO2 underground.’Ringrose holds a BSc in geology from the University ofEdinburgh and a PhD in applied geology from University ofStrathclyde in Scotland. He is a member of SEG, EAGE, andthe Geological Society (London), and was the 2014-2015President of the EAGE. In 2018 he was appointed as HonoraryProfessor at the University of Edinburgh and in 2020 he waselected as a member of The Royal Norwegian Society ofSciences and Letters (DKNVS).