DCs Anas Sidahmed and Khashayar Khezri participated in the OSPP Awards

SMILE Doctoral Candidates, Anas Sidahmed, and Khashayar Khezri, participated at the Outstanding Student and PhD candidate Presentation (OSPP) Awards that took place in EGU 2024, celebrated on the week of April, 19th in Vienna. The OSPP seeks to improve the overall quality of poster and PICO (Presenting Interactive COntent) presentations at the General Assemblies and, most importantly, to foster the excitement of early-career students for presenting their work in these formats
Anas Sidahmed presented his research:
How THM Changes in Layered Geological Systems Influence Stability of Fractured Networks that focuses on the modeling of THM coupled processes in heterogeneous layered reservoirs.
Khashayar Khezri presented his reserach:
Investigating the Effect of Fracture Properties on Peclet Number of Enhanced Geothermal Systems that focuses on the understanding of heat transfer mechanisms in subsurface environments.