Coupled Processes in CO2 and H2 Storage: From Lab to Field Scale


The 4th International Conference on Coupled Processes in Fractured Geological Media: Observation, Modeling, and Application (CouFrac2024) will be in Kyoto, Japan, November 13-15, 2024. The conference will focus on new and exciting advances in all areas of coupled processes associated with fractured geological media, including numerical methods, in-situ tests, lab experiments, machine learning, and applications to different activities in the near-surface, subsurface, and critical zone.

Send your abstract for session 4 “Coupled Processes in CO2 and H2 Storage: From Lab to Field Scale” (Convener: Roman Makhnenko, Victor Vilarrasa, Tomofumi Koyama) by March, 31st 2024.

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